Some of Our Southern California Solar Energy Projects

Here are the words from just some of our past Southern California clients

“Bottom line – XsunX does what they say they will do. We highly recommend their services to anyone interested in investing in a quality solar power system”

Brannon Gardner, Liquinox Co.

“[Your system] This helped us to receive the maximum city cash incentives while also offsetting more of our power use from the local utility.”

Jay Patel, City Center Motel

“XsunX made sure our project had full time supervision, and continued to repair portions of our structure even after the city inspectors had approved the roof for re-roofing. They did not have to do that.”

Evan Bell, Irv Seaver BMW

“XsunX took the time to make sure things were done right. We are very pleased with our investment”

Daniel Welden, EMPI, Inc.

Each of the three systems you designed are now producing all of the energy that we need to operate our facility. We appreciate that XsunX invested the time to properly size our installation.”

James Bentley, Bentley Ranch

“The optimization and inverter technology they employed is now allowing our system to perform better than predicted by the California solar calculator. The Solar PV system has greatly exceeded our expectations.”


“We just found out from SCE our little solar farm produced more than we used! you coached us into a very intelligent business decision by going solar on our roof.”

Bill Moses, Anchor Printing

Let’s start building an energy smart future for you today!