Anchor Printing, Tustin CA
Energy intensive commercial printing operations turned to Solar Energy Builders to take advantage of solar savings with the installation of a commercial solar energy system.
Project Specifications
System Type:
Fixed 12⁰ Roof Mount
System Size:
35kW – 115, 305 watt panels
kWh Production 1st yr/25 yr Cumulative:
53,128 / 1,239,437
Average 25/yr Cost Per kWh:
$.04 cents direct, do our own installations, and leave out the costly middle man.
Customer Testimonial
“Michelle & I were thinking about Solar Energy Builders today. We just found out from SCE that our little solar farm produced more than we used!
At this point it looks like you coached us into a very intelligent business decision by going solar on our roof.”
Kindest Regards,
Bill Moses, Anchor Printing