Irv Seaver BMW, Orange CA
Retail & service center energy costs had been rising for years before the addition of an Solar Energy Orange, Solar Energy Builders solar system, and now, Irv Seaver BMW is operating almost entirely on solar energy. Even with crowded roof-top space, we were able to design and install a roof mount solar system that all but eliminated kWh costs and continues to deliver a great return on investment. We even improved areas of the roof that weren’t up to our own codes after they passed city inspections, so you know you can count on Solar Energy Builders as a solar contractor and solar company to deliver you the best solar system for your business.

Project Specifications
System Type:
Fixed Tilt 10⁰ Multi – Roof Mount
System Size:
44.8kW – 176, 255 watt panels
kWh Production 1st yr/25 yr Cumulative:
66,207 / 1,544,560
Average 25/yr Cost Per kWh:
$.035 cents
Customer Testimonial
“Solar Energy Builders made sure our project had full time supervision, and continued to repair portions of our structure even after the city inspectors had approved the roof for re-roofing. They did not have to do that.
Our solar system has all but eliminated our kWh costs and we are looking forward to years of savings.
I recommend SEB, Solar Energy Orange to anyone interested in taking advantage of commercial solar for their business.”
Evan Bell
Irv Seaver BMW